Multi-Index Ecoacoustics Analysis for Terrestrial Soundscapes: A New Semi-Automated Approach Using Time-Series Motif Discovery and Random Forest Classification

Scarpelli, Marina D. A. and Liquet, Benoit and Tucker, David and Fuller, Susan and Roe, Paul (2021) Multi-Index Ecoacoustics Analysis for Terrestrial Soundscapes: A New Semi-Automated Approach Using Time-Series Motif Discovery and Random Forest Classification. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9. ISSN 2296-701X

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Multi-Index Ecoacoustics Analysis for Terrestrial Soundscapes: A New Semi-Automated Approach Using Time-Series Motif Discovery and Random Forest Classification Marina D. A. Scarpelli Benoit Liquet David Tucker Susan Fuller Paul Roe

High rates of biodiversity loss caused by human-induced changes in the environment require new methods for large scale fauna monitoring and data analysis. While ecoacoustic monitoring is increasingly being used and shows promise, analysis and interpretation of the big data produced remains a challenge. Computer-generated acoustic indices potentially provide a biologically meaningful summary of sound, however, temporal autocorrelation, difficulties in statistical analysis of multi-index data and lack of consistency or transferability in different terrestrial environments have hindered the application of those indices in different contexts. To address these issues we investigate the use of time-series motif discovery and random forest classification of multi-indices through two case studies. We use a semi-automated workflow combining time-series motif discovery and random forest classification of multi-index (acoustic complexity, temporal entropy, and events per second) data to categorize sounds in unfiltered recordings according to the main source of sound present (birds, insects, geophony). Our approach showed more than 70% accuracy in label assignment in both datasets. The categories assigned were broad, but we believe this is a great improvement on traditional single index analysis of environmental recordings as we can now give ecological meaning to recordings in a semi-automated way that does not require expert knowledge and manual validation is only necessary for a small subset of the data. Furthermore, temporal autocorrelation, which is largely ignored by researchers, has been effectively eliminated through the time-series motif discovery technique applied here for the first time to ecoacoustic data. We expect that our approach will greatly assist researchers in the future as it will allow large datasets to be rapidly processed and labeled, enabling the screening of recordings for undesired sounds, such as wind, or target biophony (insects and birds) for biodiversity monitoring or bioacoustics research.
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